We offer the following no cost, confidential services:

Abortion Information Consultation:

Before you make an appointment for the abortion pill or a surgical abortion at an abortion facility, it is important to have an Abortion Information Consultation. This consultation with a licensed medical professional will provide you with accurate medical information in regard to your pregnancy and walk you through the procedure options you could qualify for, along with the risks involved, before you travel to obtain a procedure. At The Women’s Center Illiana, we are committed to provide you with safe, confidential services at no cost.

For your best health it is crucial to have the following information:

• Medical verification of your pregnancy with a lab quality pregnancy test that can detect the hCG pregnancy hormone as early as 7 days after conception or 21 or 24 days after the first day of your last period. The test is more than 99% accurate with immediate results.
• Limited Abortion Screening Ultrasound to determine if the pregnancy is located within the uterus, gestational age (how many weeks pregnant you are), and if the pregnancy is progressing, since up to 10%-25% of early pregnancies may end in a miscarriage.
• Comprehensive abortion education on the abortion pill and surgical abortion procedures and risks in relation to your pregnancy and overall health.
• STD testing and treatment for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea (certain criteria apply). All women considering abortion should be tested for STDs even if they are not experiencing any symptoms to ensure that there are no possible complications.

The Women’s Center Illiana does not perform or refer for abortion services.

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