Telehealth Appointment:

Telehealth appointments allow us to care for you remotely. Mobile tablets, phones and desktop devices enable our medical team and staff professionals to consult with you using real-time HIPAA compliant and secure video-conferencing tools. Telehealth is used to assess what services you may need before you obtain a medical (abortion pill) or surgical abortion procedure.

Not all services can be done via Telehealth.

Simple & Convenient to Use

Our team will walk you through the process. You just need to click on the email or text you will receive and follow simple instructions to join your medical professional for a video call.

No Downloads or Accounts

There is no need to download software or create an account. Just use a browser on a computer or device with a camera and microphone.

Private & Secure

None of your information is stored by a third party. We adhere to HIPAA data privacy requirements.

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